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Wave Goodbye

von Malte

Through black darkness
Glaring light is flashing
And when you danced
Then I was yelling

And in that song
The music´s truth was waving
this pointless love
off my eyes was screaming

You are the one I´ll ever want
You are the one I´ll ever need
You are the one I´ll ever love
You are the one I´ll never reach

Through grey smoke
Your scent I´m smelling
And through that noise
Each word I´m catching

And your dark eyes
Insecurity are hiding
As this suspicious yearn
To explain I´m trying

Awaiting your touch that never comes
Awaiting your warmth I´ll never sense
Awaiting your kiss you´ll never give
Awaiting your words you´ll never say

Hide my wounds away
I´ll ever try
Just another one
Who waves goodbye.

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