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von Malte

The minority lives in secret
Each of them in another little world
They don´t really know each other
They´ll might never find home

At the end of day
I am walking to and fro
Watching that
Touching there
Talking here
Smiling there
I am walking to and fro
Walking through these worlds
Think I understand it all
Think I can controll it all

And I am the seeker
A mirror of worlds
A hero of knowledge
A blind king who’s hurt
That’s why I am not successful
In search of planet earth

The Majority lives in secret
Each of them in those mirror-worlds
They don´t really know each other
They´ll might never find home

Suddenly a female being
Is crawling through these worlds
Watching that
Talking there
Smiling there
Touching there
She’s walking to and fro
Walking through these worlds
She understands it all
She can controll it all

And she is the saviour
The martyr of love
The only messiah
She’s the great lord
That’s why she’s successful
Although she is a seeker too.


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