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Stranger’s hand

von Malte

I put my face
Into desert wind
Reaching out
For a strangers hand

So I walk against the storm
Towards the light on the horizon I´ve seen
Other strangers crossing my way
Many people, most look the same

Sometimes it seems that one of them
Want to take my faithful hand
Just for a second and then he left me behind
The reason is always same again
To taking another stranger´s hand

So i walk against the storm
Towards the light on the horizon I´ve seen
The crossing goes on and on
Many people, and you again

To look into your eyes was not the best
Of all ideas I ever had
It makes me to take of my mask
To show my face
To give you my hand

My face was unsaved from storm
It makes me blind and kills my hope
It tears my heart out of my chest
The reason was the same again
You take another strangers hand

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