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P.S. (Personal Situation)

von Lone_Eagle

(Personal Situation)

What´s that funny feeling behind my chest?
That tickles and prickles, doesn´let me rest.
Lie in my bed wide awake every night
Throws me up in the air like a stumbling kite.

Can´t concentrate on anything else
Things inside me sound like trumpets and bells
Can´t turn them off as hard as I try
Just feel that this feeling´d never go by.

Though I´m worrying on the other hand
Am I stranded on forsaken land?
Is it worth thinking where that feeling comes from?
Is it heard and received by that special one?

Totally confused, eating wine, drinking bread
I´m sure I´ll soon turn completely mad!
Close my eyes and open them again
Still I see him I´ll soon turn insane!

Is it a dream? Am I dead or alive?
That feeling that cuts my heart like a knife.
Shall I speak or just let it be?
Or is it just another `typical me´?

I suffer, I fear – like never before
I´m shaken to the deepest shade of my core
NEVER felt a feeling so deep
Just waiting for another restless sleep.

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